Venezuelan NFT artists announce their art as NFT collectible tokens in La Tokenía

Venezuelan NFT artists announce their art as NFT collectible tokens in La Tokenía


NFT – Describes Non Fungible Tokens which are minted on a Blockchain like Ethereum & traded on NFT Marketplaces. Anyone can create an NFT & many industries are using them too. You can buy and sell, Music NFTS, Art NFTS, plus any other digital asset.

The NFT exhibition will run until December 10th.


Collectibles can be purchased on the marketplace.


The Tokenía, this is the chosen name of the area in the virtual globe that a number of Venezuelan artists opened to exhibit their non-fungible tokens (NFT), on the Tezos blockchain.


Using a jargon characteristic of Venezuelan streets, the artists extended the invitation to all interested people to visit their "taguara" in the metaverse from today, December 9, until tomorrow, December 10.


The virtual gallery is on the Oncyber platform. There, people can enter by clicking "Enter" and navigate the metaverse with the keys W, A, S and D, while with the mouse they can see the 23 works corresponding to the same number of artists.

Venezuelan NFT

When examining the exhibition of NFTS, one can touch the E key then a window will be shown where the author and the market where it can be purchased will be displayed in detail.


Though most pieces are very different, they all hold a similar lineage and that’s the Venezuelan spirit, in which music reigns, the noise of the bottles, that is, the taguaras. NFT News - Another characteristic is that they use the Chigüire or Carpincho as part of the image of some works and artistic groups.


In fact, one of the pieces is inspired by the “Chinozolanos” restaurants and is titled “Estampilla de la taguarita”.

In the opinion of Najimel, author of the work, these "have been the meeting place for panas, families, soccer / baseball games, some fights and many joys in the middle of Chinese style rice with sour and sweet chicken, plus, some beers."


Sale of collectible tokens

The works are being marketed to Tezos's NFT, In reference to the "Stamp of the taguarita", there are twelve cuts that contain the price of six cuts (XTZ) each, or what is equal to USD 29, according to Coin Market Cap.


NFTNews - The NFT hallmark of the taguarita was backed and inspired by the Chinese community restaurants of Venezuela.

To see the rest of the pieces, you can go to and choose the Assets option.


The exhibition features works by artists such as Andrés Brice no, Hache de Henry, and Uh! Caribe, Flores Solano, Playful Chunks, CayenasRojas and others!


The objective of La Tokenía is to make a "collective-thematic, independent and self-managed sample", to publicize the work of Venezuelan artists belonging to the artistic group, they highlight in their manifesto.


Venezuelan artists seek to monetize with NFTs

Andrés Briceño told CriptoNoticias that he and the rest of the artists that make up La Tokenía saw in the NFTs the possibility of monetizing their art.


“We come from a paradigm in which centralized social platforms basically turn art into 'content' and give almost no economic retribution to artists or creators. Praises to decentralization, any artists can take full management of their personal arena, moving above the hegemony that galleries had in deciding what art was good art or not ”.    
